Should I Use Nano Tech for Airsoft

Should I Use Nano Tech for Airsoft

Nano Repair Tech


Allows construction of Nano Repair Units which slowly consume power and fuel to repair apparel and weapons.


  • Beds
    • (single, double, hospital) – repair equipped apparel / weapons while yous slumber in them.
  • Shelves
    • (two×1, 1×one) – repair apparel / weapons stored on them.
    • includes 1×1 regular shelf in improver to the 1×i nano shelf, not sure why there isn't one already in the base game


  • The rate at which repair work is done is determined by the quality of the nano unit. and is displayed in the info section.
  • Units that are powered off still do their base functionality (ie you lot tin all the same sleep in beds, and store things on shelves that are non powered/fueled)
  • When not actively repairing anything, nano units automatically become into low ability consumption mode.
  • Fuel is consumed at a relatively slow rate. 1 Fuel heals 10 HP. During my testing around 1 make full upward per year.
  • Fuel is initially created at the machining bench, and with farther research at the refinery from unwanted apparel (including tainted).
  • Shelves repair at the aforementioned charge per unit over 24 hours as beds do for 8 hours. i.due east. if y'all sleep all night with a duster on, the corporeality of repair done to it past a bed would have been the same equally if it had been on a shelf all day
  • Shelves are particularly useful by a stockpile. Prepare the immune HP range from 0-99 and pawns will automatically take items off the shelf when they are fully repaired, and put something else on that needs repaired.
  • Cleans wearing apparel of the 'Tainted from being worn by a corpse' when it is repaired to 100%


  • Nano Repair Tech (basic tech)
    • This inquiry allows construction of Nano Repair Units (beds / shelves). These basic units will repair apparel but.
  • Dress Breakdown
    • Break down apparel (tainted and/or non-tainted), at the biofuel refinery into base Nano Tech chemicals. This intermission downwardly process is very destructive and the majority of useful chemicals are destroyed.
  • Nano Tech Refining
    • Refine base Nano Tech chemicals with small amounts of fabric or leather into Nano Tech Fuel. This process requires chemfuel equally a catalyst.
  • Nanite Extender Arm (weapons tech)
    • Alter the nanites used in nano tech units to incorporate an extender arm. This modification, with an increased power requirement, makes it possible to repair weaponry in addition to apparel.
  • Power Shielding (avant-garde tech)
    • Further change the nanites used in nano tech units to greatly increase their electric shielding. This lets the nanites operate at higher wattages, increasing and repair charge per unit for apparel and greatly increasing their rate for weapons.

Changes for v1.0

  • The advanced tech no longer requires an entire new gear up of units to be made, the upgrades are applied to the units later the research is consummate. I did this because with an advanced teir, it felt like a waste of resources to build the lower teir. With this modify the nano tech units are useful as soon as they are researched, and more enquiry will make them improve without having to deconstruct/replace them.
  • Renamed (Angle Beds -> Nano Repair Tech)
  • The electricity simply repair seemed too cheaty for a lot of people, even with the wearisome repair charge per unit. With the added fuel requirement it feels much more than balanced.
  • Added shelves
  • Patched bulk traders and so that they buy/sell nano tech fuel. It's market place worth is roughly that of wool, which isn't very much, but depending on how much y'all get raided, you could end up with a lot of information technology via Apparel Breakdown inquiry from dead raiders wearing apparel.
  • Shelves were an idea posted in comments for the B18 version past @Verence. Information technology was a good idea thanks! I'm embarrassed I didn't recall of it myself while making the beds.


  • Japanese : Proxyer
  • German language : Wuppdich
  • ChineseSimplified : 亡霄雨

Support for other article of furniture mods

  • GloomyFurniture
  • RIMkea
  • Vanilla Furniture Expanded

Patched Support for Linkable Article of furniture/Facilities

  • More Piece of furniture
  • Wall Vital Monitor
  • Medic Addons


  • 2020 Sept viii
    • Support for 1.2
    • Stock-still cleaved animal beds
  • 2019 May 5
    • Fixed bug where nano beds would not be auto assigned like other beds.
    • Added support for Vanilla Furniture Expanded
  • 2019 Jan 10
    • Increased fuel efficiency from 1 fuel per 4 HP repaired to 1 fuel per ten HP repaired.
    • Increased repair speed on all nano tech units by 250%.
  • 2018 Nov 17
    • Updated Japanese translation via Proxyer
    • Nano Tech will now clean apparel of the 'Tainted from being worn by a corpse' when it is repaired to 100%
  • 2018 Nov 11
    • Support added to utilise other furniture mods for nano tech beds Initial support is Rimkea and GloomyFurniture.
    • Added 2 animal beds to nano tech for those who use mods which let animals to equip apparel.
    • Moved nano tech furniture to it'southward own tab.
    • Attempted to remove nano tech fuel/base from showing upward from deep drilling. Not certain if this worked, please allow me know if you still get it on new maps.
  • 2018 Sep 29
    • Patched back up for More than Piece of furniture, Wall Vital Monitor, Medic Addons
  • 2018 Aug 7
    • Research: Clothes Breakup, tin can now be researched independent of Nano Tech and no longer requires the Howdy-Tech Research Bench
  • 2018 July 31
    • Increased market value for fuel slightly
    • Fuel is at present sometimes bachelor for buy from bulk traders




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Should I Use Nano Tech for Airsoft

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